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Our LocationDineshpur(U.S.Nagar) Pin code: 263160


The school authorities have the right to dismiss students for the following Reasons.

  • Immoral behaviour
  • Habitual contempt shown to the school authorities, teachers or school rules.
  • Dishonesty and using unfair means during examination.
  • Confirmed laziness.
  • Unsatisfactory performance in academics.
  • Non-payment of school dues within fifteen days of demand.
  • For any act of student / parent interfering the discipline of school.
  • Absence without permission for a week.

The School authorities may at any time without assigning any reason require a parent/guardian to withdraw his/her child or ward from the school, if it is considered in the interest of school.

Parents' declaration

I have read the rules & regulations of the school mentioned here and have promised to abide by them and will see that my child also confirm to standard require of him/her in conduct and studies.